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The Art & Science of Crafting Coconut Soy Wax: A Journey from Farm to Candle

have you ever wondered what makes your favorite candle burn so beautifully? Chances are, it's made with coconut soy wax, a blend that's both eco-friendly and luxurious. Let's break down...

have you ever wondered what makes your favorite candle burn so beautifully? Chances are, it's made with coconut soy wax, a blend that's both eco-friendly and luxurious. Let's break down how this awesome wax is made, step by step.

From Plants to Oils

Gathering the Goods

First things first, we need coconuts and soybeans. Coconuts come from tropical places where they're picked by hand from tall palm trees. Soybeans, on the other hand, are grown on big farms in temperate areas. In the United states, most soy wax comes from the fields of the Midwest!

Extracting the Oils

Next, the coconuts are husked, and the white meat inside (called copra) is dried and pressed to extract coconut oil. This is done without chemicals to keep it pure. For soybeans, they're cleaned, cracked open, and pressed to get soy oil. This oil is then cleaned up to remove any impurities.

Turning Oils into Wax

The Magic of Hydrogenation

The oils we’ve got are liquid at room temperature, which isn’t great for candles. So to turn them into solid wax, they use a process called hydrogenation. This involves adding hydrogen to the oils at high temperatures, transforming them into a solid, stable form.

Mixing It Up

To create the perfect coconut soy wax, they blend the solid coconut and soy waxes together. This blend combines the creamy texture and great hot throw of coconut wax with the longer burn time of soy wax, giving us the best of both worlds.

Refining and Testing

Cleaning Up

Once blended, the wax is filtered to remove any leftover impurities. This step will  ensure that our wax is top-quality and ready for use.

Quality Checks

Before the wax hits the market, it goes through various tests. Checking its melting point, how hard it is, and how well it burns. This guarantees that every batch of wax meets high standards.

From Wax to Candle

Melting and Adding Fragrance

The refined wax is melted down and mixed with fragrances and sometimes dyes. This step allows for customization, so manufacturers can create candles in different colors and scents.

Pouring and Setting

Finally, the liquid wax is poured into molds or containers and left to cool and solidify. As it sets, it captures the fragrance and color, resulting in a beautiful, aromatic candle ready for you to enjoy.

Why Coconut Soy Wax is Awesome

Coconut soy wax has some serious perks:

Eco-Friendly: Made from renewable resources, it’s biodegradable and has a smaller carbon footprint than paraffin wax.
Clean Burning: It produces minimal soot, which means cleaner air in your home.
Great Scent Throw: Coconut wax enhances fragrance diffusion, making your room smell amazing.
Longer Burn Time: Soy wax burns slowly, so your candles last longer.

Making coconut soy wax is a fascinating process that turns natural ingredients into something truly special. The next time you light a Chill, Babe Candle Co candle, you'll know just how much care and craftsmanship went into making it. Enjoy the clean burn, wonderful scents, and the knowledge that you're using a product that's kind to the planet.
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